Update: Christmas 2020 - This time last year we began building our shiny new workshop, to help increase our productivity (and comfort). One year on and we are putting the finishing touches to the front elevation (more pictures to come). Only now will we be watertight and draft free, promising a great start to 2021...

It had been high time, for a bigger 'fit for purpose' welding workshop at Plant Belle HQ. After more than 10 years of welding in an old concrete box of a garage, the time had come to upgrade.
Autumn 2019 - First to the drawing board

November 6th 2019 - Demolition day
November 2019 - Blank canvas
December 2019 - Mud and flood
January 2020 - Working day and night to finish the base
February 2020 - All hands on deck to assemble the frame

March 2020 - The sun begun to shine again

So far, despite the horrendous weather challenges, we are still on schedule to carry Alex (Chief Welder) across the threshold mid April.
You can also follow our Instagram posts @plantbelles to for a glimpse behind the scenes at Plant Belles HQ, Devon, keeping you posted on the changing seasons in Mid Devon.